
Windows 10 iot iso installation
Windows 10 iot iso installation

Flash the IMG file to the MicroSD card with Win32DiskImager, follow instrunction here.

windows 10 iot iso installation

Type the command: python ffu2img.py File_WindowsIoTRpi2Flash.ffu Windows10_IoT_Core_for_RP2.img.

windows 10 iot iso installation

  • Open a command prompt and go to the directory where you decompressed the master.zip file.
  • Decompress the master.zip file in the same directory of the "File_WindowsIoTRpi2Flash.ffu" file.
  • Download ffu2img, a python script that converts Microsoft's FFU format to the standardized IMG format.
  • Inside the ISO there is the file Windows_10_IoT_Core_RPi2.msi, you must not install it but open it using 7-Zip again and exstract the file named "File_WindowsIoTRpi2Flash.ffu".
  • Open the ISO file using the free program like 7-Zip.
  • Click on the Browse button and choose the file "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft IoT\FFU\RaspberryPi2\flash.ffu" Click on the Flash button to start flashing the image to the MicroSD card. We are creating an 圆4 image so select 圆4. This application will prompt you to select the architecture you are working with (1 for ARM, 2 for x86, 3 for 圆4). Type in IoTCoreShell.cmd to open the IoT Core Shell. Select the MicroSD card with a mouse click. Open an administrator-elevated privilege command window and navigate to the C: IoT-ADKAddonKit directory. Insert the Plug in a MicroSD card into your pc and click "IoTCoreImageHelper.exe" and click on the Refresh button.

    windows 10 iot iso installation

    Mit der Ankündigung, Windows 10 IoT Core offen zugänglich zu machen, hat Microsoft die ISO-Files des Betriebssystems in der entsprechenden Download-Sektion des Windows Dev Centers kostenlos freigegeben. Run "Windows_10_IoT_Core_RPi2.msi" to install the necessary files and tools on your system,Īnd go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft IoT\ to view the installed files. Schritt 1: Windows 10 IoT Core Dashboard herunterladen. Open the ISO file you have downloaded, double click on the file to open it. If you are using Windows 10 or Windows 7, 8 follow these steps Download the IOT Core RPi.ISO from the Microsoft Download Center, the file is about 508 MB.

    Windows 10 iot iso installation